Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A murphy's law type of day

Is anybody familar with the term murphy's law. Basically it states that anything that can go wrong will. My day started with me being just a bit late to work. And while at work I got ketchup all over my white shirt. You may the thinking to yourself...why is she wearing a white shirt if she works in the kitchen taking out trash and washing dishes. Well, this new company we are working for requires us to wear white polos everyday...logical??? So, now my shirt looks like I was wearing it while getting stabbed in the gut. Very beautiful. Then, in the afterschool program, I had two children who I never want on the same day. These kids...woo these kids. Out of the 10 children I might have on any given day there are only 2 that give me real problems. They both came today...glorious. I had to leave work early because I have introduction to biology on tues. and thurs. I did not estimate the time correctly and was just a bit late to that as well. Then we took about a million pages of notes. I then went to go get my book and found out that the bookstores are only open when i am at work...grand. So in order to get my books I have to be late to work tomorrow. SOOO...needless to say, I am very excited about taking a shower and washing this day off of me and starting anew tomorrow. It will be a better day. I am sure of it. Thanks for listening to my complaining. It's not always like this. I promise. :)
Exodus 14:14 "The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm."

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